- Outlines the many ways in which logistics management can impact on overall return on investment and, ultimately, shareholder value.
- Explain the rationale behind total cost analysis; A systematic logistics- Oriented cost accounting system and the principal requirements for an effective logistics costing system.
- Emphasizes the importance of customer profitability analysis based upon an understanding of the ‘cost – to serve’.
- Introduce the concept of direct product profitability and underlines the need to understand the customers’ logistics cost.
- Highlights the need to identify the cost drivers in the logistics pipeline and to replace traditional forms of cost allocation with more appropriate methods
- Logistics and the bottom line.
- Logistics and shareholder value
- The concept of total cost analysis
- Logistics cost analysis
- The principles of logistics costing
- Customer profitability analysis
- Direct product profitability
- Cost drivers and activity – based costing
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