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Cognizant of the onset fourth industrial revolution

With well over twenty years’ experience in our pocket as a management Training Institute, the one finding that resonates through the test of time is that for any organisation that seeks to thrive; there is an absolute need to constantly equip and upscale their personnel with current and relevant managerial skills. It is the proper application of these that makes a difference and dictates the distinction between top and under performance.

At TAMI, our key undertaking is to ensure that none of our trainees are left out in the crusade to occupational excellence. We have devoted all our efforts to engineering comprehensive programs for various organizational roles that are specifically tailored to ensure the utmost efficiency. Cognizant of the fact that we are now on the onset Fourth Industrial Revolution, the way we work is changing at an unprecedented rate. due to the fast-paced advances in technology, almost all, if not all aspects of the managerial process are now digitilized which leaves a considerable gap in the skills required versus the skills available. This is where we come in!

At the advent of this academic year, our focus is now directed at rendering skills in a holistic fashion expressly that are not just sheer text-book but applicable and in the mainstream. it is our prime pursuit therefore, to ascertain that all our prospective participants are tooled with the capacity to both initiating and innovative performers in their respective positioning and fields.

It is no longer enough for a human resource manager for example, to simply perform standard duties such as a recruiting and and staffing or talent management, it is now imperative that a competent HR manager is convesant with the various human resource information systems to accelerate the human capital process. With that said, a frequent refresher and appraisal of what managerial techniques can be applied to improve organizational efficiency are of the essence.

We hereby welcome all firms both in the public and private sector to consider TAMI as your training partner not only to enhance the skill-set of your staff but also to broaden their knowledge base and deepen their sense of duty from task-based; to innovative performance.

Director; E.N. Matte